Redwings is a long-established national charity established for equestrian welfare. With various sites in England Redwings purchased Sheepcot Farm located in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty near Offas Dyke, to facilitate its work in Wales and the surrounding area.

The RPP helped the first phase of the development for change of use of the agricultural buildings into equestrian use, with accommodation for staff and visitor facilities. We also resolved the thorny issue of managing the impact on the landscape of the horse grazing and biodiversity. Paddock subdivision can be very visually intrusive unless carefully managed.

We have just received planning permission for phase 2 which is to provide staff welfare facilities for stable staff, horse handling facilities and a 20m x 40m building (the size of a small dressage arena) as a general-purpose building for the management of the equines. The application was granted using delegated powers, and we managed to resist a condition precedent on drainage so the site excavation work could be undertaken at the same time as drainage investigations.