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Case Study

Mobile Home Site Approved for a Family in the Travelling Community


24th January 2018
Local Planning Authority

We recently secured planning permission for a change of use of agricultural land to home one residential mobile home, amenity building and touring caravan in Kent.

Both national and local planning policy have provision for sites to accommodate individuals with a “nomadic habit of life”. Planning policy aims to safeguard against inappropriate development, promote traveller site provision and support the relationship between communities.

This situation involved a travelling family with close ties to the local area who wanted to provide stable schooling for their children. The local housing target for Gypsy and Traveller sites had not been met and this proposal contributes to the identified need for traveller pitches whilst not affecting neighbouring amenity or landscape views.

At the Rural Planning Practice, we appreciate and carefully consider the sensitive issues surrounding travelling communities and support provision for sites in the right place.

Mobile Home Site Approved for a Family in the Travelling Community